rock biter meaning

This old saying comes from the Bible, from Proverbs 16:18 'Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall'. ", An expression meaning to maintain a calm, controlled attitude, "Just keep your cool, there's no reason to let his remarks bother you. This phrase is said to come from an old belief that weasels could suck out the inside of an egg leaving its shell intact. An expression meaning to speak plainly and clearly, so as to be understood. ", An annoying burden he/she can't get rid of or a punishment that won't stop, similar to "a cross to bear", "That last final exam is really an albatross around my neck. A moot point was one that needed to be discussed or debated. ", An expression meaning the last occasion or last resort, An expression meaning to provide someone with an opportunity, but you can't force him/her to take it, "I gave him my email, but he didn't contact me. Before railways were invented goods were often transported by water. We're going to have this picnic even if the forecast says it will only be 50 degrees. Jared is milquetoast, he's too afraid to ask for a raise even though he's done great work for three years. ", An expression meaning the time after midnight during which haunting can occur by creatures such as witches, demons, ghosts; it has come to mean the time in the late afternoon when young toddlers may misbehave badly, "It must be the witching hour, Johnny won't stop crying, he's throwing a temper tantrum. If a man wanted to cross a ford they made him say 'Shibboleth' (a Hebrew word meaning ear of grain). This old saying first appeared in 1866 in a play by Dion Boucicault (1820-1890) called the Flying Scud in which a character makes the excuse that he is going 'to see a man about a dog' to get away. This phrase comes from a primitive tap called a spile and shive. ", A slang expression used as an adjective, describing someone that has well-defined muscles, "His abdominal muscles are so chiseled, he's really cut! It comes from the days before anesthetics. Their value depended on the amount of gold or silver they contained. ", Stating your case to someone or other people who already agree with you, An expression meaning to say something that he/she knows will trigger or cause someone to get upset, "The basketball team psyched out their opponent when all the players hit three pointers during warm-ups. ", An expression usually referring to a child who exhibits the same behavior as his/her parent, An expression meaning things turned out the way they were meant to be, A long time ago, people who made hats used a substance that gave them an illness which made people think they were crazy, An expression meaning a very short period of time (as long as it takes to blink? These are an insincere display of grief or sadness. It identifies people as members of the group. In the ancient world grain was hurled into the air using a tool called a winnowing fork. ", A reference to the nursery rhyme, something or someone which once over thrown cannot be restored, An expression meaning your actions reveal your intentions very clearly (opposite of "poker-face"), An expression that means if something belongs or pertains to you, accept it, Change your position or do something because it's the popular thing to do, An expression meaning you are watching out for the well-being of someone else so no harm comes to them, An expression meaning I have enough to do that I can't assume another commitment, A hostile challenge meaning someone will beat up or hit someone else, An expression threatening someone to commit harm or destroy them or what's precious to them, An emphatic expression meaning extremely eager to experience something, An expression meaning you are in trouble, comparable to "I'm toast", An expression meaning contented or satisfied following a delicious, plentiful meal, An expression meaning to be observed closely by others, usually remotely, An expression meaning all inclusive, or a brief summary of a topic, An expression describing being in a difficult situation or problem with no easy answer, from the Dutch word 'pekel', "Wow, Sarah is really in a pickle agreeing to be an umpire for her old teammates. When in trouble people knocked on the tree and asked the spirits for help. Throwing down your gauntlet was a way of challenging somebody to a duel. ", Being sick from drinking too much alcohol, "She had a hangover this morning because she drank too much beer last night. In the past people believed that bees flew in a straight line to their hive. ", An expression meaning a risky or complicated move that could land you in trouble, either going very well or very badly, An expression which means the time at which action is required or anger erupts, similar to "the last straw", "He reached the boiling point after she insulted his shoes for the third time. The racers would start from the scratch. Time is chasing after all of us.”, An expression meaning something is too big or powerful to deal with alone, "If you try to push that boat up the driveway alone, you'll end up chasing a tiger by the tail. On a sailing ship it was essential to know the ropes. This means to make a fresh start. ", An expression meaning you can win people to your side more easily by gentle persuasion and flattery than by hostile confrontation, "Focus on what she did well, instead of what mistakes she made if you want her to volunteer again, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. It is much older than him! ", An expression to request to be excused or decline from participating, usually at the last minute and after committing to do it, "I'm going to beg off and skip rehearsals tonight, I feel sick. ", An expression derived from an Italian puppet character meaning feeling great delight or pride, An expression meaning keeping an expression on one's face that doesn't reveal one's intentions, An expression describing an excessively cheerful or naive person, "She's a pollyanna, always happy about everything, even if it's bad news. Am I my brother's keeper?'. ", An expression meaning to boast about one's own accomplishments, similar to "blow one's horn", "Well, not to toot my own horn, but my essay scored the highest in my class. "Grandpa turns 75 next year; he's pretty long on the tooth. An expression describing a small, shabby place, often a restaurant or bar. Criminals were allowed to make short shrift before they were executed. ", An expression meaning too embarrassed or shy to speak, "He was going to ask her on a date, but he was so tongue-tied, he couldn't even say hello. In the 14th and 15th centuries, the English king ruled Dublin, and the surrounding area was known as the pale. ", Eating a nutritionally varied meal including protein, carbohydrates, fats, and sugars, "I'm going to stop eating junk food, for dinner I'll have a balanced meal of chicken, vegetables, and rice. ", An expression meaning to be impoverished, indigent, destitute, similar to "not having two nickels/pennies/sticks to rub together", "Daniel is poor as a church mouse, he hasn't had a job for a year, he can only afford to eat macaroni and cheese every night. ", An expression meaning to drink your beer or other beverage until it's empty, "Here's to your health [toast glasses], bottom's up. "You'll just have to make a leap of faith and trust me, you can make it on time if you take this alternate route. ", An expression meaning you are paying attention completely, An expression meaning all paths or activities lead to the center of things, which was true in Rome, where all roads radiated from the city center, A compliment describing someone who keeps another steady or on-track, "She's my anchor, I could have never gotten through that job without her. ", An expression encouraging someone to behave by using a tangible threat for non-compliance; no yelling is required, "I'm speaking softly and carrying a big stick: he knows I'll take away the car keys if he doesn't finish his chores before dinner. ", An expression meaning to hurry up, usually referring to driving a car, "C'mon, step on it, we're going to be late! This means aristocratic. However, one of them, named Thomas, was absent. An expression meaning to narrowly escape disaster. ", An expression referring to someone who is unwilling to take chances, boring, or not interesting, "He's such a stick in the mud, he never goes out dancing with us.". If the wind suddenly changed direction a sailing ship stopped moving forward. ", An expression meaning not being able to see very well (bats use echolocation, rather than sight), "She can't see anything without her glasses on, she's blind as a bat. ", These expressions refer to being impoverished, destitute, or without resources, similar to "poor as a church mouse", "He doesn't have two nickels to rub together, but he makes sure his kids don't go hungry. Originally a pale was an area under the authority of a certain official. ", Someone who is cheerfully unconcerned about the future or possibility of problems, A difficult problem to solve or a formidable undertaking, "That's a tough nut to crack, not having a GPS system while traveling in an unfamiliar city. The pole was a mast of a ship. or observe the situation carefully, An expression used for saying that someone wants someone to believe something, but everyone knows it is not true, "Are you kidding me? ", An expression meaning to jump ahead, to do one thing before taking care of what should be done first, A fraudulent or ignorant pretender of medical skill, "My old doctor was just a quack, he didn't even know how to give a vaccination. ", An expression meaning to get an unexpected or improbable opportunity, a reference to "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "I've got a golden ticket, I just got accepted to the medical school that was my long-shot. ", Unable to hold still or very anxious or uncomfortable, A common English proverb encouraging people to eat apples or other fruits and vegetables, to ensure good health, "I eat at least two pieces of fresh fruit every day. ", An expression referring to an unattainable or fanciful hope or scheme, "Jonathan wants to be a professional baseball player, but that's just a pipe dream, he isn't good enough to go pro. Anchor cable was wrapped around posts called bitts. ", An expression meaning to gradually accept or get used to an idea or commitment, "I warmed up to the idea after I saw all my friends decided to join the team. Beauty is only skin-deep. Wool that was dyed before it was woven kept its color better than wool dyed after weaving or 'dyed in the piece'. A Spinster is an unmarried woman. This is a corruption of Magdalene. Story link, related to being greedy and losing what you have, An expression meaning that if you play all the time, instead of working, you might be sorry (and hungry) when times get tough, An expression meaning don't act on the promise or potential of something, wait until you know something is certain, An expression meaning it doesn't do any good to be unhappy about something that has already happened or that can't be helped, "Nancy, there was nothing you could do about all that food going bad when the power was out for three days, so don't cry over spilled milk. It had a head of gold, arms, and chest of silver, belly, and thighs of bronze and its legs were of iron. Motion carries! Do we fund the project or not? It is a corruption of the old word bot, which meant profit or advantage. ", Disengage or refuse to participate in something, "You should just wash your hands of it softball and quit the team. ", An expression meaning the result of something will be clear in due time, "Only time will tell if all those singing lessons pay off and she becomes famous. ", An expression meaning to be grateful for one's circumstances, based on a superstition that by wishing on the first or a falling star, one will receive good luck. I know he'd never go to the movies with Veronica!". ", "He's such a busy-body, listening to other people's conversations. ", "This might ring a bell for you, the house used to be right next to the hardware store before they tore it down. The Rainbow Slime is a rare Hardmode slime that spawns in The Hallow ( on non-hallowed blocks) while it is raining. It probably comes from an actual story about a cock and a bull that is now lost. ", Thomas Paine's famous quote that the colonies were unwilling to raise an army, and trusted the cause to the temporary defense of a well-meaning militia, "These are the times that try men's souls. ", An expression meaning to gain information from others or from books, rather than discovering information directly, "Well, I'm not sure, I got second-hand information. I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't. "They just shut down that hole-in-the-wall restaurant for health code violations. It, in turn, was derived from ceapman. ", From pirate lore, an execution in which victims were forced to walk, often blindfold and with hands tied, off a plank of wood. It was also the first to feature lyricist and drummer Neil Peart In the 17th century England and Holland were rivals. "I learned the nursery rhyme, 'Roses are Red' by heart. (See Sold A Pup). ", An expression meaning a strong warning to stop behaving badly, derived from Britain, The Riot Act of 1715 was invoked to prevent "tumults and riotous assemblies", "Suzanna read me the riot act for not introducing my friends to her. ", An expression describing two people who may be different in many ways, but have something in common, "My grandfather and daughter are two birds of a feather, they both love rocky road ice cream. You were hoisted by your own petard. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. In 1637 John Milton wrote a poem called Lycidas, which includes the words 'Tomorrow to fresh woods and pastures new'. ", Describing someone who acts superior, thinks they are more important than others, An expression of encouragement meaning to persevere and endure the discomfort or pain, A description of a rich older man who lavishes gifts on a young woman in return for her company or sexual favors, "Sheila is just with him because she can buy whatever she wants, he's a real sugar daddy. ", A war reference meaning someone suffering from a trauma, too overwhelmed to act appropriately or rationally, An expression describing a pregnant woman. ", An expression meaningtTo take full advantage of a situation or condition, "It's Owen's birthday today and he's milking it for all it's worth, getting out of taking that test.". The old word cop meant grab or capture so in the 19th century policemen were called coppers because they grabbed or caught criminals. However, the phrase became shortened. When the Assyrians laid siege to Jerusalem one of them stood outside the walls and asked if they hoped for help from Egypt. This is a word used by members of a particular group. This old saying means to grin and bear a painful situation. A petard was a type of Tudor bomb. ", An expression meaning to harass someone for little problems, rather than focus on the big-picture, similar to Back-seat driver", An expression or toast with glasses raised, then everyone drinks their beverage, similar to "Here's to your health", An expression or toast with glasses raised before everyone drinks their beverages, An expression describing someone with courage, An expression that means acting smitten, or bigger and more important than you really have a right to be, Someone is exploiting customers by charging more than something's worth or not delivering services as promised, An expression meaning that it is clear to see what action should have been taken after the fact, A baseball reference meaning to be successful or to do something extraordinarily well. 2 (US Alternative) Rock … ", Something is cheap or inexpensive or easy to acquire, A derogatory phrase meaning someone isn't very smart or is stupid, An expression usually meaning to help oneself to food, "Dive in, there's plenty of food for everyone. ", An expression meaning someone who is even in skill or ability, or is a challenger, An expression meaning doing things that might not be permitted because an authority figure isn't present, "With their parents out of town, the kids threw a wild party. ", An expression meaning ok, good, cool, awesome, "That's just peachy keen with me, I'm happy to stay here over Christmas vacation. ", An expression meaning to try to make something sound not as bad as it is, or to play-down the truth, similar to "soft pedal", "She really white washed that report, making it sound like we aren't going to lose as many clients as we really are. However, its feet were made of a mixture of iron and clay. What a shady character! This phrase comes from the days when official documents were bound with red tape. By law a Roman soldier could force anybody to carry his equipment 1 mile. So if a deer was killed the rich ate venison and those of low status ate umble pie. Anyone who did not, after one hour, could be arrested and punished. This is from Jeremiah 31:30 'Every man that eats the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge'. In Ecclesiastes 10:1 the writer says that dead flies give perfume a bad smell (in old versions of the Bible the word for perfume is translated 'ointment'). This old saying does not come from the writer Charles Dickens (1812-1870). Some sailors felt it was an easy job and 'swinging the lead' came to mean avoiding hard work. Carlos Martinos (Brandon B. Bonner, C or M, Carlos Zoltan Martinos, Randy K. Carlinsetti, Marcar001, Marcar007) ", Someone or a circumstance which clearly takes advantage of those who are helpless and indefenseable, Taking advantage of other's generosity without giving anything in return, An expression meaning general perkiness and energy, An expression meaning to be on course or proceed as planned at an optimum pace, An expression describing a fussy, nervous person, a worrier, perfectionist, often a stickler for things to be carried out exactly as he/she dictates, "My mom is nervous about leaving me home alone for the weekend, even though I'm old enough to take care of myself. If you are on your beam-ends your ship is leaning at a dangerous angle. Taking coals to Newcastle was obviously a pointless exercise. Describing a very timid, unassertive, spineless person, especially one who is easily dominated or intimidated; inspired by the cartoon character, Caspar Milquetoast, created by H. T. Webster in 1924. Now, before you get your knickers in a twist, let me explain what happened. The other was spared but the High Priest laid his hands on it and confessed the sins of his people. An expression meaning an immediate, emotional, unthinking response to a situation, "Your Dad had a knee jerk reaction in his opposition when he stood up and yelled during the meeting. ", An expression meaning it's settled or decided, or a clear outcome, Having a self-pitying expression, experiencing defeat or guilt, An expression meaning a place where someone lives, frequents, or feels comfortable, "I hang my hat there, I really like the crowd at that coffee shop. ", An expression meaning to stop attacking or criticizing someone, An expression referring to the quiet period just before trouble erupts, An expression made popular in the song by Elton John, meaning something that is particularly vulnerable, weak, fragile, or precarious and likely to fail, perish, or be eliminated at any moment, "She was so fragile and weak, always getting sick when someone sneezed, a real candle in the wind. Rack has nothing to do with the torture instrument. A buckle was a kind of small shield. ", An expression meaning people eventually get over injuries, insults, rejection, hatred, "He was so sad after she broke up with him. ", Get one someone's good side so they'll do what you want them to do, An expression meaning to be quiet, tighten securely, similar to "shut your trap", Accomplishing something by any possible means, "By hook or by crook, I'll figure out how to pay for college. ", An expression meaning insignificant or easy, "Racing in junior varsity was small potatoes compared to varsity. An expression meaning it is too late to correct or change what's already been done. Casting a "spell" of bad luck on something by stating an obvious truth. ", An expression meaning that the person about whom one was just speaking arrives or makes their presence known, "Well, speak of the devil, we were just talking about you! ", Describing someone who is difficult or mischievous, "Matthew is a little pickle, he always steals his classmate's snack when he's not looking.". It's a chicken and egg situation. ", An expression describing a huge mess or living in messy conditions, An expression meaning the tingling sensation experienced in recovering from numbness, or an anxious feeling waiting for something to arrive or happen, "I'm on pins and needles, waiting for them to post the test results so I can see whether I got an A. Later this verse was applied to Jesus. ", An expression describing someone who acts like they are better than others, Always tell the truth "come clean" (another idiom! From a European goat farmer, Hoek Hogan, who raised a particularly smelly and ugly goat. ", An expression meaning to carefully look at the person or think about the situation, in order to decide how to act, "I've had a chance to size up Amanda, I think we can trust her and she's worth doing business with. ", An expression meaning to walk quietly or carefully work around a sensitive person or situation, similar to "tread lightly" "tread softly" and "walk on eggshells", A popular 1929 song that has come to mean to be extremely cautious, "Tiptoe through the tulips when you suggest those changes to the president's speech. This comes from the days when livestock had their ears marked so their owner could be easily identified.

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