what is the secret in think and grow rich reddit

If you just had a light bulb moment reading this, then you ARE ready for the secret as conveyed to us by Andrew Carnegie and Napoleon Hill. The ‘secret’ is the Law of Attraction! Hill’s works insisted that fervid expectations are essential to improving one’s life. Desire: Having an obsession … (There is no such reality as “something for nothing.). The book, The Secret can be summed up as “think about what you want, get a good feeling about it, be grateful for it,” end of story, Or, you can even add “take action.” “The Law of Success and Think and Grow Rich are closer to blueprints for success that were as … In the original version, Napoleon Hill hid the secret. The Law of Attraction will bring into your life that on which you put constant attention on. We were born to make an impact and to influence those around us. It talks more about 'believing' and 'wishing' than actually putting in the work. Persistence applying the rules of this … It is this — ALL ACHIEVEMENT, ALL EARNED RICHES, HAVE THEIR BEGINNING IN AN IDEA! In this blog post, I’m going to explore the most prescient ideas from the book and explain why, almost a century later, they still have the power to change your life. In 1960 he published a revised edition, which deleted many sections that appeared in the original. I personally thought this was the … Every man is what he is, because of the DOMINATING THOUGHTS which he permits to occupy his mind.”. People revere him because he is a cult-figure, but he is just the original Tai Lopez. First, we’re going to look at the DCA or Definite Chief Aim. It cannot be had at any price by those who are not intentionally searching for it. In the chapter called Faith, Napoleon Hill states that even if you repeat a lie to yourself over and over again, over time you will start believing it. He says many times that FAITH is the strongest emotion by which to get your subconscious to listen to you, and make it a reality. As matter of fact, about 100 pages of the original book were removed. The key is to understand what that natural process is … I’m sure it was deliberate on the part of the author. The secret of Think and Grow Rich is:"Whatever the human mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. They do not require one to become ridiculous, or credulous. Therefore his statement above should not be taken lightly. If the law of attraction finally lights the fire under your ass that you needed and you finally go out and sell your god damn services like you're supposed to, excellent! Why copywriting matters – plus 12 great free copywriting resources you can learn from, Daily discipline – the common denominator of success, The most important Think and Grow Rich secret revealed, Choose to be grateful – it will make you happier. Brian Kim’s version is by far and best that i have ever read. Now, let’s look what is in the next chapter. One part is already in possession of those who are ready for it.”. Opinion 5 – Enough of Secrets! Hill said quite clearly that the sixth step is the most important one. : Notice the a-b-c formula. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. Money is a bi-product of exchanging value between people for goods and services. I can say this since my last time to shine was in 1987, and at the end of this week apparently. So, instead of setting a goal of making $1MM/year find a hobby or passion of yours and figure out how to monetize it. The secret is that you have free will. So What Is The Secret? Much easier said than done. They work. He has FAITH that he can make it back because he's already been there! He proceeds to tell us how to develop the emotion of FAITH. This six step formula can be used for attainment of any goal, not just money, as confirmed by Edison – the greatest inventor America has ever seen and one of the greatest inventors of all time. It takes practice, but with time it becomes easy. Although I may face many challenges I am happy to take them on and welcome any challenge because I know I will succeed. But there's a hidden assumption in the book that all the people who "manifest" things into reality don't mention. Do you think this was a coincidence that those paragraphs closely follow each other (with only a chapter title between them)? Otherwise it’s not going to do you any good. Persistence differentiates the poor from the rich. They are all important topics to explore of course. If you are ready for the secret, you already possess one half of it, therefore, you will readily recognize the other half the moment it reaches your mind.”. We are what we are, because of the vibrations of thought which we pick up and register, through the stimuli of our daily environment.”. The reason Think and Grow Rich has withstood the test of time is because it rests on the broad clean foundation upon which may also be found every accomplishment of man, the clear unchallengeable fact that everything begins with an idea. There's a whole chapter on Persistence and how important it is to keep working towards your goal. Napolean Hill didn't make any real money for his book, he was paid by Andrew Carnegie to interview his contemporaries and determine their keys. Even if you never practiced the six steps as laid out by Napoleon Hill in this classic book, I’m sure you can recall times in your life where you practiced the most important part of the formula. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches.”. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill became a publishing sensation over eighty years ago and is still one of the all time best sellers in self development to this day. Persistence. People should do whatever works for them. Since Think and Grow Rich was written in a different era when computers and the Internet didn’t exist, and the successful industrial titans forged businesses in steel, automobiles and finance that are old school. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire. I have read the book and familiar with the technique. Sixth. Everything starts with a desire. I personally thought this was the Carnegie wealth secret, especially since Napoleon Hill focuses on this concept in his other works. Napoleon Hill clearly stated that the secret is mentioned at least once in each chapter of Think and Grow Rich and we can only discover it when we are ready for it. I'm certain this has helped me in prior endeavors and given me a bit of an 'edge'. However with strong faith, you'll get back up and keep going, because you KNOW what's waiting for you. If you have no FAITH that your efforts will be worth it, you're going to give up when the first obstacle comes your way. 'Think and Grow Rich' however has tons of advice. The big secret of “Think and Grow Rich” is in every one of the 13 principles of success in the book. Don’t waste it. Or you can right away start using it to achieve the biggest, most significant goal you have. It talks more about 'believing' and 'wishing' than actually putting in the work. MANIFESTING doesn't mean 'wishful thinking'. It helped countless others to become wildly successful in their endeavors and it can also help you and me and anyone that is willing to put it into practice. So, clearly he talks about burning desire again. There's a whole chapter on Persistence and how important it … In think and grow rich, there is a distinction between general knowledge and …

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