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2. Relating the events of his life on the island … What was his role in the plot against Prospero? into a kind of utopia. Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Adrian, Francisco and Gonzalo, who have all survived the shipwreck, now ponder their position on the island (Lines 1-64). Caliban has the body of a beast. how green!" How does the physical description of Sycorax compare to your impressions of Ariel? Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo cannot see Ariel but they can hear him. Sebastian and Antonio ridicule Gonzalo. For Shakespeare? Gonzalo is annoyed but hopes that this man does not die by drowning but be hanged later on. Gonzalo (/ ˈ É¡ ɒ n z əl oʊ / GON-zə-loh) is a fictional character in William Shakespeare's The Tempest.. An honest and trusted adviser to King Alonso of Naples, he has a good heart and an optimistic outlook, and is described as noble. An ideal society is a beautiful dream, one shared by many people, but it seems impossible due to man’s irresponsible nature. He's travelling with the King's party when he's shipwrecked with the other passengers on Prospero's island. Prospero's magic staff (Ariel and other spirits) and his books represent his power. Ferdinand's labors are rewarded by the gift of Miranda's hand, while Caliban, Stefano, and Trinculo are punished. Back to: The Tempest by William Shakespeare. Do you think this is true? The boatswain tries to keep the ship far from the seashore, but is irritated by Sebastian and Antonio who curses and speaks ill … The Boatswain told the king and his courtiers to go to their cabins below. Much of the play's social action is dictated by the powerful wizard, but each character has their own claim to power. The three … I,1,34. Strange music begins to play and spirits enter with a banquet. Letters should not be known. Prospero is grateful to the man whom he embraces before anyone else and is all praises when he meets him on the island. 9. Antonio plans to kill Sebastian after Alonso is killed and himself take over the throne of Naples. In Section B choose questions […] then Ferdinand tells his father of his engagement to Miranda. He would govern so Act II, Scene 1, lines 1-184 Summary and Analysis 25 … ANTONIO And sowing the kernels of it in the sea, bring forth more islands. Gonzalo convinces the men it is safe to eat the food . Why does he say this at this time? Caliban's island paradise is not all that different from Gonzalo's ideal natural world. This scene also shows Shakespeare’s profound knowledge of sea and seamanship. Throughout the Tempest, the hierarchy considers this to be their island. Gonzalo then ruminates about the island, expressing his dream of the ideal commonwealth. Prospero is able to achieve control of the spirits of the island, and uses his extensive knowledge and control over the spirits to direct acts of magic as he pleases. One of the great themes of this play is spectacle, magic, an island, spirits, music, a devil son, hell hounds, etc. No use of metal, corn, or wine, or oil. Caliban speaks some of the most beautiful and eloquent poetry of the play. I,1,21. In his time on the island, Caliban has enjoyed hearing the music the spirits make. No sovereignty.” This is exactly what Shakespeare must be fantasizing in a utopian mode regarding human settlement.Â. Gonzalo’s speeches provide an important commentary on the events of the play, as he remarks on the beauty of the island when the stranded party first lands, then on the desperation of Alonso after the magic banquet, and on the miracle of the reconciliation in Act V, scene i . Gonzalo's words are a clear reminder that even in the midst of a storm, class or status remains an important part of life. And Caliban who is otherwise perceived by the outsiders as a “monster” can go and with his “long nails will dig thee pig-nuts, show you a jay’s nest and snare the nimble marmoset.”. K. Deighton. Alonso responds to this utopian dream by asking … What is Gonzalo’s idea of the type of government or life style that could be possible on this island? Miranda is the only female character to appear on stage in "The Tempest" by Shakespeare. He has a mulberry colored birthmark on his face: What does this tell the older boys? King Alonso has landed on the island, with his brothers Sebastian and Antonio, ... Other colonization-related themes are raised by Gonzalo's description of his Utopia, from lines 145 to 162 in Act 2, scene 1. Here the island becomes the center for the contest between “savagery” and culture. Caliban's first words on stage are a harsh and a loud accusation. Gonzalo puts his trust in the Boatswain and leaves but the Mariners are struggling and the men return to help. In both visions, nature provides whatever is needed, and mankind has little effect on the island's existence. The idealized Utopia Gonzalo suggests a land where everyone is equal and happy. He was usurped. What does Gonzalo mean when he says at the end of Act I, Scene 1, “Now would I give a thousand furlongs of sea / for an acre of barren ground” (lines 63–64)? In both visions, nature provides whatever is needed, and mankind has little effect on the island's existence. Along with these are the sarcastic comments by Antonio and Sebastian about the … Act II Scene 2 Is it surprising that Caliban willingly worships Stephano & desires to give him control of the island when he resents Prospero for usurping what he considers his rightful claim to the island? 3. Although people had imagined ideal societies since at least the classical period, the term utopia first appeared less than one hundred years before Shakespeare wrote The Tempest. perhaps from Aristotle's description of the bestial man. Give textual evidence in working out your answers. and find homework help for other Lord of the Flies questions at eNotes Alonso, Gonzalo, Antonio, and Sebastian enter. The storm was created by her father, the magical Prospero, who reassures her that all will be well. Gonzalo's speech recalls many of Thomas More's ideas from his book Utopia, and summons up the spirit of Renaissance political idealism with his ideas about reform. Caught with their swords out, the two conspirators claim somewhat unconvincingly that... (full context) Act 3, scene 3. However, the boatswain is not intimidated and responds that the royal party should "use your authority," to stop the storm (20-21). Prospero, through study and reflection, resolves to release his prisoners if they show penitence for the past. What sort of commonwealth would Gonzalo create on the island (2.1.143-168)? The king was accustomed to being the supreme authority. What prompts Caliban to utter his poetic description of the Island? Caliban thinks Stephano can defeat Prospero and become ruler of the island. Antonio and Sebastian secretly hope that Alonso's sadness and tiredness will give them the chance to murder him that evening. Does his behavior seem consistent with how he acts now? Things others say about them: ‘A noble Neapolitan, Gonzalo / Out of his charity, who being then appointed / Master of this design, did give us, with / Rich garments, linens, stuffs, and necessaries / Which since have steaded much’ (Prospero, 1:2) The English … What does this tell us about their characters? What is Gonzalo’s idea of the type of government or life style that could be possible on this island? 3. Prospero is making him work to test him, to see how much he wants Miranda. He understands his grief and tries to comfort him with his humorous remarks and encouraging words. Gonzalo rebukes Sebastian for his lack of feeling, then turns to a more cheerful topic: what a paradise the island could be. an officer in a ship who has charge of the sails, rigging, etc., and who … Whom do you agree with, Prospero or Caliban? Spitsbergen is a land of snow and huge … No name of magistrate. He says that there are many people in the world who undergo worse kind of misery; at least he should take comfort from the … Ryan J Byrne English 101B Jane Jacques January 27 2003. No occupation. They mock him after he makes his speech in favor of his ideal society: I' th' … For no kind of traffic would I admit. Prospero and Miranda had lived on the island for the past 12 years. Gonzalo continues talking and explains how he would govern such an island if he were king.... (full context)...and Antonio draw their swords. Alonso seems to understand that the captain is the ship's final … What description of the island does Gonzalo give? Choose three of the passages (a) to (d) and answer as briefly as possible the questions that follow : (a) Prospero : Hear a little further, And then I’ll bring thee to the present business Which now’s upon’s; […] Does his behavior seem consistent with how he acts now? 20. What does Caliban want to do with Miranda after they take over the island? What was his role in the plot against Prospero? Gonzalo says that if he were to plant a colony on the island, there would be no poverty, no crime, no war, no government, and no need for work, because "All things in common nature should produce / Without sweat or endeavour." She has to face banishment to the Island along with her father at the age of three. What description of the island does Gonzalo give? Antonio argues that Ferdinand is surely drowned, and the Claribel, the next heir, is too far away to make an effective claim. Gonzalo utters these heartfelt lines near the play’s end, after Alonso and Ferdinand have been reunited and following Prospero’s declaration that the “heaviness” of the past “is gone.” Gonzalo expresses his feeling that the happy resolution—and especially Miranda and Ferdinand’s betrothal—has been orchestrated by the gods. 2. With it the whole theme of spectacle and magic is set, there is something magical and spectacular about a ship wreck and an island. He claims that he would abolish labor and create a society based on leisure. The island is the hooking spectacle! In this speech, Gonzalo shares his vision for what he would do if he ruled the island. London: Macmillan. With this fact, Shakespeare was doubtless familiar. Riches, poverty, and use of service, none. So there is no real suspense in the play. (TLN 761-3) 126In what follows, I tell the story of the play in the world. If Caliban represents raw, unchecked instinct, he also represents one of the most eloquent voices in the play. Description definition is - an act of describing; specifically : discourse intended to give a mental image of something experienced. Sebastian and Antonio ridicule Gonzalo. ISC English Literature Previous Year Question Paper 2019 Solved for Class 12 Maximum Marks: 100 Time allowed: Three hours (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. Scene i is on board a ship at sea; the rest of the action … The above lines have been spoken by Miranda (when her father Prospero asks her if Antonia can be called a brother).

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